Inventory entity: entità con Servizi e Prodotti, come Preventivi, Ordini di Vendita, Fatture, etc.
Lineitem: linea contenente tutte le specifiche di Serivizi / Prodotti in una entità Inventory
Lineitem type:il tipo di lineitem incluso in una entità inventory: Prodotti e Servizi.
Inventory entity: entità con Servizi e Prodotti, come Preventivi, Ordini di Vendita, Fatture, etc.
Esempio: creare la stringa "€ 2900.00 x 1.00 unit = € 2900.00",
dove '€' è la valuta, '2900.00' è il prezzo unitario, '1.00' è la quantità e 'unit' è l'unità di prodotto.
concat(currencysymbol, price, ' x ', qty, ' ', unit, ' = ', currencysymbol, total)
Hi !!
nov 16, 2020 - 10:41i saw your new extension and i have one question
if i have 2 fields named start date, end date on opportunities, can i have them on sales orders calculating the months and dates between 2 dates? For now i have created an excel and i calculate the days.
Hi George,
nov 16, 2020 - 11:33did we already talk about a similar topic? I remember something.
so if I understand ... you have 2 dates (start and end) in opportunities.
when you generate a new sales order, from opportunity, you copy the dates into sales order from opportunity. correct?
then, in generated sales order, you want calculate difference between the dates in months (30 days) and days as rest; calculated values in 2 different fields: "difference in months" and "rest in days". Is it correct?
yes, it should be possible with PAD Workflow Tasks extension. If you confirm me that this is exactly your need I can create an example on Penguinable YF demo, so you can try and check if extension full cover your need.
Hi Davide !
nov 16, 2020 - 12:10Thank you about quick response.
Yes i had talked about it.
***then, in generated sales order, you want calculate difference between the dates in months (30 days) and days as rest; calculated values in 2 different fields: "difference in months" and "rest in days". Is it correct?
I need 3 fields: 1) sum days 2) Months 3)days
Please take a look on xls file i have sent you
of cource i am interesting !
ok yes, I contact you by email
nov 16, 2020 - 12:12Hi Davide, thanks for your posts.
gen 14, 2021 - 15:12Checking your videos I'm seeing your main focus point to modify software environment. but you have videos or material more general that clarify how to work with different modules, their procesess, initial steps and how to upgrade from one stage to another?
I'm newby with Yeti and want to have an understunding of concepts.
Thanks and waiting for feedback
Hi Luis,
gen 14, 2021 - 18:03tnx to you.
My extensions add new feature and functionality to YetiForce, but they don't change the core code.
About YF docs, the only way to learn about it is and
There is no documentation and I cannot produce such extensive documentation alone.