Setting style families for PAD Textparser Products Table extension

The PAD Textparser Products Table extension allows you to create a table of Services and Products and tables with tax and discount summaries.
The tables have a graphic style defined during creation. The tables are then inserted into a PDF template or an email template.
With the PAD PDF Generators extension it is possible to increase the graphic control by using the various classes of the tables in the CSS files associated with the generator.
Let’s see, in the two specific cases, the classes that can be used.

PADProductsTableSimple :: lineitems table :: Products / Services

CSS class name of table
  • products-table-simple

CSS classes name of table header
header row class name
  • head-row

header cell classes name
  • headcol

  • col-<field name>

  • headcol-<even | odd>

  • headcol-<first | middle | last>

  • headcol-all

  • headcol-<field name>

  • headcol-<column number>

CSS classes name of table footer
footer row class name
  • foot-row

footer cell classes name
  • footcol

  • col-<field name>

  • footcol-<even | odd>

  • footcol-<first | middle | last>

  • footcol-all

  • footcol-<field name>

  • footcol-<column number>

CSS classes name for Additional row
additional row classes name
  • additional-row-<before | after>

additional row cell classes name
  • bodycol

  • bodyrow-<even | odd>

  • body-all-all

  • body-<row number>

CSS classes name for body table
table row class name
  • body-row

table cell class name
  • bodycol

  • col-<field name>

  • bodyrow-<even | odd>

  • bodycol-<even | odd>

  • bodycol-<first | middle | last>

  • body-all-all

  • body-all-<field name>

  • body-all-<column number>

  • body-<row number>-all

  • body-<row number>-<nome campo>

  • body-<row number>-<column number>

PADProductsTableCursum :: summary table :: Tax / Discount

CSS class name of table
  • products-table-cursum

CSS classes name of Currency
  • currency-label

  • currency-value

CSS classes name of Discount in total
  • discountmode-label

  • discountmode-value

CSS classes name of Discount summary
  • discountsummary-label

  • discountsummary-value

CSS classes name of Tax mode
  • taxmode-label

  • taxmode-value

CSS classes name of Tax summary
  • taxsummary-label

  • taxsummary-value